Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beth and Doug's Adult Summer Camp

Every year in January I make resolutions that I ALWAYS stick to.

So, this summer I have made a three month resolution. I have created a list of things we are going to do at least once this summer, a grown-up version of summer camp, though some are more directly reminiscent of camp days. Some we have already accomplished.

1. Go to a Mets Game.
2. Go to a Yankee Game
3. Make Sangria and drink it on the beach
4. Go to a bon fire (not start a bon fire...go to someone else's)
5. Go on a boat.
6. Go to Montauk...get a bumper sticker.
7. Nap in a Hammock.
8. Swim in a non-chlorinated body of water that is not the Long Island Sound.
9. Eat a meal entirely consisting of shrimp, lobster and crab el fresco on the water.
10. Drink beer during the day.
11. Go to a beach concert.
12. Skinny Dip

Feel free to make suggestions.